TALE #15 THE WISDOM OF THE TREES May 23, 2022 Sarah Root Unknown Speaker 0:05 Hello, this is Sarah. I am a Voice for the New Earth, bringing you deep interconnections with nature and all of life, for brand new ways of living on our planet. Today's episode is an adventure into what Trees really are; Sacred Trees, the amazing wisdom they hold, and how we can work with them for the benefit of all life. Come journey with me as I channel, live and in the moment, through Cosmic Nature Spirits, such that you can literally experience and feel the New Earth as we go. Enjoy this encounter! It's best when you can be quiet and attentive. Unknown Speaker 0:57 Today as I turn toward the New Earth, a very leafy Nature Spirit greets me warmly with a smile. He says, Welcome! I'm Ethro and I've dressed myself rather fancifully, I? He chuckles as he gestures to his tree-trunk-like body, the bark all gray, brown and rough... and his feet which are roots... and his arms and head and face which are the boughs of a tree. He says, laughing, Well I wanted to look the part, you know! I just laugh out loud with him and extend my loving gratitude to him as I bow. I'm sure you're a deep and powerful emissary of the New Earth, I say. And I humbly await your teachings. His eyes twinkle, and he visibly settles deeper into his tree body. Unknown Speaker 2:04 Our purpose today, says Ethro, is to help you enter the being of a Tree. And to sense its life, its wisdom, and its sacred gift that it has for the planet. I put my palms together to signal my thanks and readiness. Come, says Ethro, and he kind of gathers me with his leafy boughs so that we slip together into the New Earth. Like our first journey in these Tales, we come immediately to Vestra, who is a very great old oak tree. I can feel Vestra's presence in a vast area all around me. She permeates it with steadiness, with wellness, and something else I have no word for. It's a kind of Grace - a mixture of being loved and allowed to be me....plus a higher energy that uplifts my heart and soul... and also sacredness. This is Vestra's Grace and Presence. Unknown Speaker 3:29 I can feel Vestra reach her energies out to me and invite me to step into her. I check in with Ethro and he says, Go ahead; follow what you hear and know inside you. Today's journey is about trusting your inner intuition in connection with a great Tree. What are you sensing to do? he asks. By answer, I turn to Vestra and step slowly to her, placing my forehead gently on her trunk. Just my forehead. I close my eyes. Instantly I feel tendrils of Tree energy entering my mind and also my heart. Vestra speaks right inside me, in my inner knowing: Welcome, Beloved. She says, You shall entrain here with me today. I am so glad to merge with you and show you what I carry. Unknown Speaker 4:45 First, says Vestra, open all your senses and extend them into my form. So using my breath, I sort of reach into her with love and respect and a little awe that she is letting me enter her. The energy grows so strong as I reach in and extend my seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing senses into her roots... into her trunk... into her canopy. I'm overtaken by tree functions: the movements of water and sugar and oxygen and minerals through the Tree's body. I feel it all trickling and running through me, tickling, almost tickling me all through... and I feel such love and appreciation for the amazing air/food factory that Vestra is. That Trees are. That I am right now. Unknown Speaker 6:04 There's so much more, says Vestra. I invite you, now that you're melded into me and joyful about it, to open your heart. (And I do.) And to actually lay your heart at my feet, where my roots become trunk. Do not fear. I hold your heart in pure, pure, Light-filled grace and no harm can come to it. So I take a deep breath, summon my faith, and intend that my heart is laid at her feet inside her, offered deeply and completely. I understand that I am surrendering into this Tree. With this, I enter a whole new space. It feels very ethereal, like I'm fully in the spirit world. My body and mind are hardly here in 3-D anymore. I'm sort of wafting like mist. Witness this Tree-ness, says Vestra, just become this. Unknown Speaker 7:28 A deep, deep serenity washes through me. Vestra says, This is the peace of ages, ages upon ages, of ancient Wisdom and inner knowing. It arises from a network of us Sacred Trees. We are, ourselves, also merged with all of life. Vestra and Ethro together ask me, What do you feel now? I answer, I feel interspersed with all kinds of living beings, all across the living Earth. There's a huge, powerful aliveness running through me. It gives me a sense that I am a giant Tree of Life, holding all life within me. Also, I can feel that we are protecting all life. We're holding a kind of spiritual life force in all things, and surrounding everything with a silvery sheen that feels like a vibrant, steady protection. That silvery sheen that cloaks everything is nourished and fed by the great Trees' awareness - by the aware network of Sacred Trees. Unknown Speaker 9:06 Yes, says Vestra. We are holding all of New Earth in sacred protection and support. But there's more. We carry fractals in our energy fields. What are fractals, I ask? They are forms, answers Vestra, that replicate themselves, out and out, on and on, endlessly. They are a mode of creation. I ask, What do you create with them? She says, Well, there's the magic! We're actually cosmic creatures of great capability, us Trees. We are constantly creating and recreating life on your beautiful, beautiful planet. We Trees are record keepers, and we remember all the Beauty, Perfection and Grace that is possible. All of it. We have lived at that level of Purity, and so we hold that within us, bringing it to your emerging new planet. Unknown Speaker 10:27 Through us, you humans are entitled to tap into two things. What are they? I ask. One is the Beauty and Purity of all Life. Can you feel that? With my senses wide open, I say, oh yes, of course - it's like a flood of a stunning, clear, simple, peaceful "YES", all through me. I hear the word "actualization". When I ask Vestra what that refers to, she answers, this energy graces you with stepping into your truest form, your truest self. And thus it actualizes you. It awakens you. I literally feel all my nerve endings and energy channels tingling and sparkling and dancing in a joyful rush of aliveness. I feel free. I feel strong in myself. I feel love for my new unique self. Yes, affirms Vestra. This is how every form of life feels when we Trees touch you with the Beauty and Purity of Life, that we hold from our deep memory of it. We remember and hold it from many, many dimensions and realms. We bring it here to you. Unknown Speaker 12:19 I feel very still, very bright, very clear. And somehow, I feel like I could do anything if I were interconnected with the Trees' deep, wise energy. Yes, you could, says Vestra. Here, let us show you how. What is one simple intention you'd like to hold - a prayer you'd like to offer globally? Immediately I answer, heart awareness. That all beings wake up in their hearts. Perfect, she says. Now feel and see that flooding the Earth, and use your mind to KNOW it is being spread, through our fractals, out and out and on and on, across the New Earth. Through the Trees' Beauty and Purity, it flows in a very high energy state. Unknown Speaker 13:32 I feel flowing and pulling and merging and growing and spreading all through me; and my heart is broader than it's ever been. Together with us Trees, says Vestra, your intention can be amplified and broadcast through all life. Oh my goodness. I am so, so happy to know there's a way to do more than just pray for the Earth and humanity to get better! That now I can ask to tap into Sacred Trees' Beauty and Purity to send any prayer, and it will be made pure and strong, and it will go everywhere. See how strong Beauty is? asks Vestra. It's not just a happy toy that makes you smile; a beautiful thing that makes you feel good. It is a huge ingredient in Grace. We bring such Grace to your planet. Yes, I see, I answer. Unknown Speaker 14:59 Okay, says Vestra. The second thing you can tap into and do through our fractals is that you can know things: you can tap into our Wisdom, our memories of what works in other civilizations that have been co-creative. We are record keepers. We are like libraries. You can come into our memories and get information and we will spread it out fractally through you, out and out and on and on. Unknown Speaker 15:39 I'm not sure I understand, say. Vestra wraps more loving, soft energy around my heart, which I've laid at her feet. Then I can relax and breathe, relax and breathe again. I enter a stillness. It's like being in a giant cathedral, a forest cathedral, that is vast and holds multiple dimensions. Just breathe, says Vestra, and sit with me and be still and peaceful here. The key is Still Peace in your heart. Unknown Speaker 16:29 When I finally drop back down into that, Vestra says, Tell me one thing you'd like everyone to know...from the records of all time. I say, That each living thing is a miracle. I'm not quite sure where that thought came from! - But there it is! Okay, says Vestra, reach into me to see and feel and know the miracle of life in a way that ignites you; that resonates with you. I tune in to Sacred Tree, I ask, and I wait. Then I see before me the most brilliant green glow of a fern, a fiddlehead - and it's unfurling as I watch - glowing, bright, bright green. It rolls out and it unfolds. All its delicate lacy leaflets are opening out into a beautiful, light filled, huge fern. It's so big, it unfolds and unfold and unfolds till it's eight feet high. And then I see it WINK at me! It winked at me! As if to say, I'm alive, you made me, I'm a miracle. I got made out of nothing. I love my life. Unknown Speaker 18:18 This image of the fern and this feeling of this amazing fern envelop me, and I feel a deep, deep sense of the miraculousness of life. It permeates me. It brings tears to my eyes. Life is so precious. It is so sacred, each being, each life so beautiful, no matter what. In my tearfulness I look out over the Earth and I see and feel how all life is miraculous in this way. I settle into this more and more...just feeling the miracle of life in my own body. In my own mind. In my own heart. I feel how I've been a creator of life around me and have watched it awakening into beautiful form. And I have so much honor and respect for each form, so much honor. Unknown Speaker 19:39 See how you have evoked our deep Wisdom into you, says Vestra, simply by merging with us and asking for a specific thing? And see how it changed you and how it spreads through you: The knowing of miracles, which now has made you honor life with such a deep-heartedness. This is a specific Wisdom that your Earth needs: Honoring the preciousness of all life equally. Yes, I answer, yes, it is. Vestra says, and so we thank you for helping spread that. Unknown Speaker 20:33 She kind of hugs me, enfolds me in deep infinite multi-dimensional love that's so simple and gentle. It's great Grace. She bolsters me. She fills me with this Grace. Rest now, she says, releasing my heart fully back into my body. My heart is so still and quiet and solid and deep. We are always here, she says. We are the Sacred Trees. I bow with my forehead again on her beautiful bark, with all the honor and grace and love I can muster. Thank you, I say, I love you. Thank you for being on the Earth, all around us. I love you. Unknown Speaker 21:59 I feel her smile, and then enfold me...and I feel the fractals of her love pouring gently through me to all beings on Earth. And with this flood of love, gently, I separate from Vestra. Then I bow to Ethro, my tree-leafy guide, and I turn and return to the world as it is. Unknown Speaker 22:35 So ends this Tale. Unknown Speaker 22:42 Thank you for tuning in and I hope to see you each Tuesday for another Tale from the New Earth. Please feel free to share these podcasts with others, and visit me at Radiant Alignment.com Have a beautiful day. And be sure to say hello to a tree! Thank you. Transcribed by https://otter.ai