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Testimonials ~ Core Star Activations



I feel “home”! I can anchor and hold higher energy through the day. I am able to make higher choices in the moment. (Bhakti, NY)

The attunements have moved me into a new way of meeting the world; anger and effort don’t work for me anymore. I simply don’t “do” life that way anymore. (Anon.)


his experience with the CoreStar Activation was so big, it holds my energy solidly here, in my body, even in the midst of others’ swirling energies around me. It’s like a new part of me is here – allowing my spirit to be in physical form. I have never felt this! I know that I can create more fully from this solidness. I am still feeling the energy radiating from my Heart and Core Star. What beautiful, life-changing work you do!  (Susana, CO)

Having a stronger Hara Line means I feel more grounded yet light, and I can hold higher energies in daily life. I notice I’m less triggered by personalities, rules, etc – I can just hold Divine Love, and my ego stays out of it. I can reach past the persona into people’s essence and connect there. People tell me I always seem “happy”, which I interpret to mean I can stay steady in my Light. (Bhakti, NY)


I have been continuing to do the Core Star Meditation, and Oh My Goodness!!!  The calm and steadiness in the seat of the Core Star is giving me clarity of soul purpose and power of intention… because I am experiencing alignment with it rather than it being a dream/wish "out there”. I am being my part of the Divine Plan for Humanity! (Bhakti, NY)

About Sarah

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