The New Earth and Your Awake Self
Happy spring! What unusual times these are….the seasons feel different, the world feels different, and I know that *I* feel different....
All New, All New!
Welcome to an entirely new chapter of your life. It's time to embrace being different than you were; to allow yourself to change and...

Finding Peace Inside
What if the purpose of these confusing times is for each of us to go inward, repeatedly? And find more Peacefulness of Self? What a...
Why the new website? What's the buzz about Soul Contract Readings?
My website just changed. … why? I’ve been on a nine-year path of deep spiritual research and developing myself as a channel for coded...
Why Live from the Soul?
If you could take a Magic Pill so you knew exactly who you are, why you are here and what you want to do with your life….would you take...
3 Great Ways to Surf the Chaos
These can be challenging times to live in. With environmental concerns, politics, terrorist attacks …the world can seem like a crazy and...
The "Planetary Shift" and You
Do you wince at the words “planetary shift” or “human evolution”? Are they too woo-woo for you? I used to think those terms were pretty...